From February 2 through May 24, 2023 I was fortunate enough to have an exhibit, “Selected Works: Maya of Guatemala and Western Landscapes,” sponsored by the Capital City Arts Initiative here in Carson City, Nevada. As part of the exhibition I was interviewed by CCAI Director, Sharon Rosse. My narration and her Q&A was captured on video and can be viewed on You Tube.

CCAI also sponsored my talk, Highland Maya of Guatemala, as part of their ongoing series, Nevada Neighbors.

“In his Nevada Neighbors talk, artist Michael Plyler gives viewers a close-up look into his decades of photographing the Highland people of Guatemala, making sixteen trips there between 1982 and 2018 that totaled almost two years in the country. Join Michael as he gives you an intimate look at this 4,500 year old culture; its history, accomplishments, and its continuing erosion. Oppressed by the Conquistadores and caught in the middle of a violent civil war, the Maya carry on with dignity and pride. This slide-illustrated lecture reveals the glory of their past and places them in their present-day context.”

Here are the links to You Tube for both talks:

GALLERY TALK “Selected Works: Maya of Guatemala and Western Landscapes”

NEVADA NEIGHBORS TALK Highland Maya of Guatemala